A Peer- Reviewed Bi-Annual International Journal for Analysis and Research in Humanities and Social Sciences PRINT
Published in the month of June and December Every Year

Dr. Ram Sharma
Associate Professor and Head
Dept. of English, J. V. College, Baraut, Baghpat
E.Mail- dr.ramsharma786@gmail.com
Associate Editors

Dr. Carolyn D. Heising
Professor Emertius
Iowa State University, Iowa, U.S.A
718 Sycamore Ave No 197 Vista
CA 92083, USA
Email: cheising@iastate.edu
Phone: 8582286754

Dr. Elisabetta Marino
Associate Professor
English and American Literature
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Email: marino@lettere.uniroma2.it
University of Toronto, Canada
2928, Walnut Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116, USA.
ISSN 22250-0561
A Peer Reviewed Bi-Annual Refereed International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research PRINT JOURNAL
Published in the month of June and December Every Year

Dr. Ram Sharma
Associate Professor and Head
Dept. of English, J. V. College, Baraut, Baghpat
E.Mail- dr.ramsharma786@gmail.com
Associate Editors

Dr. Carolyn D. Heising
Professor Emertius
Iowa State University, Iowa, U.S.A
718 Sycamore Ave No 197 Vista
CA 92083, USA
Email: cheising@iastate.edu
Phone: 8582286754

Ashu Pasricha
Department of Gandhian & Peace Studies,
Punjab University, Chandigarh
& Honorary Director,
Gandhi Bhawan
Mobile No.: +91987-615-5262
Office: +91172-534186 (O)
+91172-541940 (O)
+91172-534183 (O)

Dr. Meghna Sharma
Founder Director
Centre for Women’s Studies (CWS)
Maharaja Ganga Singh University,
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Editorial Advisory Board and Referees
Dr. Ram Sharma
Associate Editors
Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ashu Pasricha
Manager Circulation
Sabahuddin Hadzialic Bosnia & Herzegovina Karyn Walker, USA
California, USA, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation Ames,
lowa, Deutschland, Germany
Dr. Carolyn Heising, Professor, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Ames, IOWA, USA
Dr. Cindy Gould, Associate Professor, College of Design, Iowa State University Ames, IA50011, USA
Dr. Nora Hadi Q. Alsaeed, Vice Dean, Al Jouf University, KSA
Dr. Theresa McCormick, Professor Emeritus, Iowa State University, IOWA, USA
Jaimee Wriston Colbert, Professor of English and Creative Writing, Binghamton University, State University of New York. www.jaimeewristoncolbert.com
Dr. Gunjan Sushil, Professor, Dept. of English and Modern European Languages, Univ. of Allahabad, Prayagraj , U.P.
Dr. Shashi Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, B.D.K. Girls Degree College, Agra, U.P.
Dr. Vinay Prabha Sharma, Deptt. of Chemistry, Meerut College, Meerut
Dr. Poonam Rani Gupta, Deptt. of English, B.D.K. (P.G.) College, Agra
Dr. Preetha, C., Assistant Professor of English, Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous) Salem-16, Tamilnadu
Leema Dhar, (Novelist/Bilingual Poet/Columnist/Motivational Speaker) Research Scholar, Dept. of English and MEL, Univ. of Allahabad, Prayagraj, U.P.
Dr. Rashmi Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Iswar Saran PG College, Prayagraj
Dr. Anurag Sharma, Reader, Deptt. of Mathematics, D.N. (P.G.) College, Meerut (U.P.)
Dr. Laxmi Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of History, K.M. Degree College, Kankerkhera, Meerut (U.P.)
Dr. Aloke Mondal, Department of Philosophy, Government General Degree College, Gopiballavpur-II, P.O. Beliaberah, Distt. Jhargram
Dr. Andre Kukla, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Ashu Pasricha, Director, Dept. of Gandhian and Peace Studies, Punjab University, Chandigarh
Dr. Archana Durgesh Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of English, BBDGEI, Lucknow, U.P., India
Dr. Shashi Verma, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, MS College, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Dr. Meghna Sharma, Director, Centre for Women Studies (CWS), Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Dr. Gunjan Agarwal, Professor, Subharti University, Mullana, Haryana
Dr. Praveen Kumar Anshuman, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Kirori Mal College, New Delhi
Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor & Co-ordinator, Center for Comparative Religions and Civilizations (CCRC), Central University of Jammu
Dr. Payal Chitra, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Dr. H.S. Gour (Central) University, Sagar-472 002 (M.P.)
Dr. Neelam Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, B.D.K. (PG) College, Baluganj, Agra, U.P.
Dr. Sigma Sathish, Assistant Professor of English, N.S.S. College, Kerala
Dr. Iram Fatima, Guest Faculty (Business Communication), Department of Vocation, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. S. Mahalakshmi, Assistant Professor of English, APA College of Arts and Culture, Palani-624 601, Dindigul District Tamil Nadu.
Dr. Gopal Singh, Assistant Professor (Education), R.K.G. Educational College, Lucknow, U.P.
Dr. B. Visalakshi, Assistant Professor of English, E.R.K. Arts & Science College, Erumiyampatti, Dharmapur, Salem, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Amna Mirza, Assistant Professor, Political Science at Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College, University of Delhi
Georgia Ann Banks-Martin, M.F.A., 3066, Selda Rd 384, Montgomery, AL36106 United States of America
Dr. Sudhir Nikam, Professor, Department of English, B.N.N. College, Bhiwandi, Mumbai
Dr. Piku Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Satyapriya Roy College of Education, W.B.
Dr. Anil Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, N.A.S. (P.G.) College, Meerut (U.P.)
Rajni Chhabra, J.N. Vyas Colony, Bikaner
Dr. Satendra Kumar, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Sri Dev Suman University, Campus, Rishikesh, U.K.
Dr. Muttu Vemula, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Mizoram Central University, Aizwal, India
Mrs. Vassilakou Evangelia, The English Academy of Languages, Greece
Ms. Nelani De Costa, Lecturer (Probationary) in English Department of Languages Faculty of Arts and Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
- Dr. S.K. Prathap, Associate Professor and Head, PG and Research Department of English, Sree Narayana College, Kollam (Affiliated to Kerala University)
Rebecca Haque, Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Terry Beitzel, Director, Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence and Professor of Justice Studies, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 23807 USA
Bill Ashcroft FAHA, Professor Emeritus, School of the Arts and Media, UNSW, Sydney 2052 Australia
Dr. Sukanta Kumar Pradhan, Assistant Professor of Education, Indira Gandhi Govt. College, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh
Dr. Hari Om Shanker, Associate Professor, Department of Drawing & Painting, DAV (PG) College, Dehradun (Affiliated: H.N.B. Garhwal Central University, Srinagar Garhwal (U.K.))
Ravinder Kumar, Assistant Professor in Commerce, Govt. Degree College, Nerwa, Distt. Shimla (H.P.)
Dr. Prashant Mothe, Editor, Langlit, An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Dr. Jaswant Negi, Ex. Regional Director, Higher Education, Meerut (U.P.)
Dr. Savita Mishra, Principal, Vidyasagar College of Education, Siliguri, West Bengal
Dr. Ecateria Patrascu, Senior Lecturer at Spiru Haret University, Bucharest
Dr. Ram Chandra Yadav, T.G.T., Department of English, Dr. K.P.J.I.C., Allahabad, U.P.
Dr. Jaibir Tomar, Head, Department of Agronomy, J.V. College, Baraut, Baghpat, U.P.
Dr. Mahesh Singh, Department of English, Govt. College, Mahendragarh (Haryana)
Dr. Anjali Dutt, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad
Dr. Geetanjali Tiwari, Associate Professor, Department of English, DAV PG College, Dehradun
Dr. Tanima Shome, Assistant Professor, CDC, Parul University
Dr. Alexis Arizabal-Enriquez, Associate Professor, Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, PHILIPPINES
Dr. B. Visalakshi, Assistant Professor of English, ERK Arts and Science College, Dharmapuri, India
Prof.(Dr.) Anil Kumar Dixit, Professor, Faculty of Law, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun
Sukanya Goswami, Lecturer, DIET, Nagaon, Assam
Dr. N. Hemamalini, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women Chinnakallupalli Marudharnagar Vaniyambadi-635751
Dr. Mrinalini Thaker, Associate Professor, Smt. Kansagara Mahila College, Rajkot, Gujarat
Dr. Sushila Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Baba Mastnath University, Asthal, Bohar, Rohtak, Haryana
Dr. Ruchi Mittal, Assistant Professor, Chanakya Law College, Neha Radha Swami Satsang, Bhamrola, Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar
Dr. Savita Pande, Assistant Professor, HOD, Geography Department, RH Government PG College, Kashipur (Uttarakhand)
Dr. Rajkumari Bhandari Chauhan, HOD (Asstt. Professor), Department of Political Science, VSKC College, Dakpathar, Vikas Nagar, Dehradun
Dr. S. Ganesan, Associate Professor of English, H.H.The Rajah’s College (Aut), Pudukkottai – 622001
Dr. Namrata Mishra, Associate Professor, Vocal Music, R.C.A. Girls P.G. College, Mathura
Dr. Monika Spolia, Editor, Bharat Times, Cornwall, ON (Canada)
Dr. Archana Tiwari, Head, Department of Home Science, GDM PG College, Gorakhpur
Mr. Rinku Moni Mahanta, Gauhati, Assam.
Dr. B. Pavithra, Asso. Prof., Department of English, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Dr. Anshu Sharma, Associate Professor in English, Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Jhunjhunu, Chudela, Churu Road, Rajasthan
Dr. Chirag R. Adatiya, Assistant Professor in English, Shree K.O. Shah Municipal Arts & Commerce College, Dhoraji, Gujarat
Dr. Parvesh Lata, HOD, School of Education, GD Goenka University, Gurugram
Dr. Juhie Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Vardhaman College, Bijnor (U.P.)
Dr. Smita, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, JNCU, Ballia (U.P.)
Dr. Dilip K. Madhesia, Assistant Professor, Department of English, JNCU, Ballia (U.P.)
Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo, Editor (Philippines)
Dr. Mamta Rajan, Head, Deptt. of Drawing and Painting, Rajendra Prasad PG College, Meerganj, Bareilly
Dr. Seema Agrawal, Net, JRF, M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, Central Sanskrit University, Jaipur Campus
Editorial Office
Email: dr.ramsharma786@gmail.com
Mob.: +91 92197 10874